13, Brankova st., 11000 Belgrade

European Music Therapy Confederation

The European Music Therapy Confederation is an umbrella organization that brings together associations of professional music therapists in Europe.

The association was an equal member of the European Music Therapy Confederation www.emtc-eu.com from 2004. to June 2023.

Prim. dr sci med. Ranka Radulović has been the representative of Serbia in the EMTC General Assembly since the accession of our Association in 2004, which contributed to the exchange and development of norms in the implementation of all domains of music therapy, as well as increasing the credibility of our Association in the country and abroad.

General Assembly of the EMTC, Cadiz, 2010.

General Assembly of the EMTC, 2011.

General Assembly of the EMTC, Luxenburg 2014.

General Assembly of the EMTC, Ede, The Netherlands, May 2017.

General Assembly of the EMTC, Trapani, Italy, 2018.

Elide Skarlata and Ranka Radulović

Meetings and notices

General Assembly of the European Music Therapy Confederation 13-14 May 2023. Leipāja, Latvia.

European Music Therapy Day

Every year, members of the Association of Music Therapists of Serbia, as well as other European music therapists, celebrate November 15, the European Music Therapy Day, with a joint song and a series of auspicious activities to promote music therapy.

Under the auspices of AMTS, we have been organizing Serbian music therapy meetings, where we meet with music therapists of Serbian origin, living abroad, and present them the circumstances in which we conduct music therapy activities, our work and researche.

On November 15, 2023, on the occasion of the European Day of Music Therapy, we recorded a video at Kalemegdan (Belgrade) and sang a common song that is sung by all European music therapists on that day. We sent greetings and a message of support from Serbia.

Joint initiatives and projects

Teamwork on recognizing music therapy as a profession

Lectures and professional meetings

The XII European Music Therapy Conference organized by the British Music Therapy Association and the University of Edinburgh, UK June 08-12, 2022. http://www.qmu.ac.uk/conferences-and –events/emtc-2022/

The XVII World Congress of Music Therapy will be held in Vancouver, Canada from July 25-29, 2023, in cooperation with the Canadian Association of Music Therapists. https://www.wcmt2023.org/


X European Conference of Music Therapists in Vienna, 2016
Plenary lecture. Dr. R. Radulović invited to present the Serbian model of music therapy development.


The Association of Music Therapists of Serbia (AMTS) was founded on June 27, 2001 in Belgrade on the initiative of Dr. Ranka Radulović and her closest friends and associates.

Member of the European Music Therapy Confederation since 2004.


UMTS - Udruženje muzikoterapeuta Srbije
13, Brankova st., 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
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