13, Brankova st., 11000 Belgrade


Members of the Association of Music Therapists of Serbia are divided into several groups: active (full) membership, associate membership, candidates in education, supervisors and honorary membership.


Music therapists with completed education in music therapy who have the appropriate valid certificate of competence from AMTS to independently perform music therapy activities with personal responsibility and who are registered in the register of professional music therapists AMTS, until the issuance of the license is within the competence of the Ministry of Health.

music therapists who have completed education in music therapy abroad, who meet the conditions to be registered as active members of the Association of Music Therapists of Serbia and have the appropriate valid certificate to be able to independently perform music therapy activities with personal responsibility, until the issuance of the license is within the competence of the Ministry of Health.


A music therapist who performs music therapy work with shared responsibility, ie. under supervision

a member of the Association who has completed the education program in accordance with the Regulations of Education of the Association of Music Therapists of Serbia and is facing a qualification exam that will enable him to obtain a certificate of independent activity, and until then performs music therapy activities with shared responsibility, ie. under supervision.

a member of the Association who has lost the status of an active member, until the
re-acquisition of the status of an active member, performs music therapy activities with shared responsibility, ie. under supervision;

a member of the Association who has completed education in music therapy abroad, but the completed program does not meet the requirements for acquiring the status of active member, until passing the aptitude exam and acquiring the status of active member of UMTS, can conduct music therapy activities under supervision.

a member of the Association who has completed education in music therapy and at least five years of full-time music therapy practice (ten years of part-time practice) in a reference institution abroad, until passing the aptitude exam and gaining the status of active member of AMTS, can carry out music therapy activity under supervision.


The candidate in education in music therapy is the member of the Association whose education in music therapy according to the program performed by Hatorum doo under the auspices of the Association of Music Therapists of Serbia is in progress.

A candidate in education can also be a foreign citizen, who is studying at Hatorum doo according to the Rules of Education in Music Therapy AMTS, and who has a permanent or temporary stay abroad during his education.


The supervisor is an active member of the Association of Music Therapists with a minimum of five years of full-time experience (or ten years part-time) under supervision, who has completed a full number of hours of personal analysis, has personal credibility and professional credibility as a music therapist accredited by the AMTS Assembly. at the proposal of Hatorum doo with the recommendation of the professional and executive board of AMTS, and in accordance with the current Rulebook on education


Honorary member of the Association is a member of the executive board of the original Yugoslav Association of Music Therapy or another person who may or may not be a music therapist, but his activities contributed to the founding and operation of the Association of Music Therapists of Serbia (then Yugoslav Association of Music Therapy).

Honorary members can participate in the work of all bodies of the Association in terms of advisory role, but they cannot perform music therapy activities if they are not professional music therapists, nor can they use their professional title.


The Association of Music Therapists of Serbia (AMTS) was founded on June 27, 2001 in Belgrade on the initiative of Dr. Ranka Radulović and her closest friends and associates.

Member of the European Music Therapy Confederation since 2004.


UMTS - Udruženje muzikoterapeuta Srbije
13, Brankova st., 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
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